Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mother Auma has Tagged me!

Ooh, this one's cool!

If you came to our house--

You would see:
A house that (if we knew you were coming) might be cleaner than it usually is. There would probably be some project on the schoolroom table, a half-finished chess game on the in-table, and a rabbit in the backyard.

We'd probably feed you:
Ummm...veggies. Probably carrots and Ranch dressing. If we had baked, we might have cookies or something like that, and we might have some apple slices or blackberries.

And offer you this to drink:
Tea, coffee (some kind called Cookiedoodle), or water. We might have Gatorade, and then again we might not.

We'd undoubtedly ask if you'd read:
The Redwall Books
The Betsy-Tacy Books
The Penderwicks
The Jane Austen Books
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...

We'd want to play this music for you:
As Mother Auma pointed out, we would probably all show off our piano, and try to coax Mother Auma into playing Moonlight Sonata or one of her Baroque pieces. (When you arrived you might walk in to the tune of the Madagascar song "I like to move-it move-it" - we like to work to it.)

We'd want to tell you the latest about:
Thumper, the rabbit...piano...books we've read or movies we've seen...anything interesting that's happened since you were last over...

We'd probably suggest a game of:
Chess, checkers, Kazink, Cranium Cadoo, a pretending game outside or a skill game called "be very quiet and still and see if the bunny will come to you".

We might show off:
Thumper, undoubtedly. And the piano playing. Mother Auma's New Laptop. Cornflower's latest picture or other exciting accomplishment. Mariel's violin playing. If you were a very close friend of mine who likes books, I might possibly show you one of my stories. (Very large "might" - my stories are practically secrets until they are finished.)We might get on the computer and show you:

If it was a long enough visit, we might watch:
Probably one of the old BBC Narnia movies, or if Mother Auma could stand it, Alvin and the Chipmunks. Okay, probably not the Chipmunks. They're just too quotable.

Maybe a play, put on by the producers of The Forbidden Forest, The Moby-Dick-Type Pirates, The Return of Plunder the Pirate, The Animals of China, etc.

We might show you this on the computer:
The funniest homeschool-stereotype video done to the tune of "The Adams Family"!!!

What would a visit to your house be like?

I tag Queen Shenaynay and Raora. Mother Auma tagged everyone else I know.

You're it!

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